
Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Penguins at Phillip Island

I've always loved penguins. They mate for life, they always stick together, they're very loyal, have lots of fun, and they're just unendingly adorable! So, I thought I would drive to meet them in person, on their turf at Phillip Island (about a 2hr drive east of Melbourne).

June is their 'nesting' season, so they're away at sea for a few days at a time, clowning around, eating, and then they come home to see their mates and make sure their house is in order to prepare for their breeding season.

Unfortunately, it started to rain, but that didn't deter me! I donned the best rain gear $5 could buy and sat on the bleachers on the beach to await the penguins' return home.

The species of penguins that hang out in Australia are called Little Penguins - and little they are! Maxing at 33cm (1ft) tall, they waddles when they walk with their weetle weetle feet and are an appetizing feast for their prey. So, the short walk from the water across the beach into the fauna on the land is the scariest part of their day! Oh, they were so scared! Riding the waves as far as they can, these little guys wash up onto the beach. Then they wait for more of their buddies to join them. Since going solo is scary! Once they gain critical mass, they slowly, cautiously, waddle their way up the beach. As soon as they feel like they're gonna make it - they make a break for it! Aww I can't explain how cute it was to watch them!

They then march through the marsh to find their burrows. Some have beachfront resorts and others have to trek quite a bit. Once they find it, they chill outside on the porch for a bit, getting a breather since their sleeping quarters are pretty tight. (Sounds familiar to NYers.)

Some wait for their honey bunnies and call out to them to help them find their way home. Aww so schweet! I watched one couple who were so happy to see each other - they were saying hi hi hi hi and then smooched for a bit and then umm got busy! Haha. I guess they were very very happy to see each other! (During this time of year, they 'false breed', which I was told is they mate for fun since it's too cold for any of their eggs to survive.)

I wish they had allowed cameras (the pics above are not real), but this is one set up inside the visitor center for pictures.

Aww, they were so cute!

1 comment:

purim said...

HOW cool is this! So lucky that you got to experience this! I Love it!